Tuesday, April 3, 2012

My cat vs Hill's Science Diet Ideal Balance cat food

I once knew this cat named Tico. Every time I would buy him food he did the same thing.  I would open the bag and pour it in his bowl. Hearing this, he would run up to my feet and start the rub dance.  I set the bowl down, He walks slowly up to the bowl, sits down in front of it and stares at it....hard.  Slowly he bends over to take what I think is a bite, half way down, he stops, turns his head to look at me, and then walks away with tail in the air.  Now I now he eats the food eventually, but he will not let me know.
     Last month I got a sample of Hill's Science Diet Grain Free cat food in the mail for a Bzz campaign I am currently doing. I Bzz Agent.com is a community of people around the US, Canada and Britain that review try products and then share what they have learned with other people by word-of-mouth. A brilliant and fun way to try new stuff and meet new people. I digress, So I get this sample and place it in the bowl. The whole routine starts over. But this time his head goes straight for the bowl. He ate almost everything in one shot, while I stood there. I thought this was a freak episode, but to my surprise, he's on his second bag. It has taken me 5 years to find a food he actually likes. Persistance.
     Needless to say I still know this cat and I still have this cat. So if any of you have a problem like this, may I suggest a small bag of

Hill's® Science Diet® Ideal Balance cat  food


It just may do the trick!