Friday, July 6, 2012

Reboot: Days 4 and 5

Here begins day four and five of my participation in the campaign, Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead. As a Bzz agent, I joined this campaign a couple of weeks ago and today I continue on my journey of health and rebooting the body. I have finally gotten over the hunger pangs and moody drowsiness that plagued me the first few days, although my girlfriend still seems to think I am a bit grumpy. Days four and five posed a new challenge to me. I had to go somewhere overnight for work. I didn't bring my juicer and was going to rely on places along the way to juice for me. Two immediate problems with that plan. The first being availability. I work from 1am to 3 pm and when I am done I am held hostage at a hotel with no reasonable form of transportation. This leaves only a couple of opportunities to score juice. The first available time for me to get a juice was 8am which is when I got a 2oz shot of wheat grass($3.50) and a 16oz everything(beets,celery,kale, garlic, ginger, lemon, bell pepper)$5.99. By then I was famished!!!! My last chance was at noon which left me high and dry for way too long. I ended up having to make a compromise. There was a Smart and Final by the hotel so I bought a 320z Green Machine by Naked Juice($6.50) which contained:Apple Juice, Mango Puree, Pineapple Juice, Banana Puree, Kiwi Puree, Spirulina, Natural flavors, Chlorella, Broccoli, Spinach, Barley Grass, Wheat Grass, Parsley, Ginger Root, Blue Green Algae, Odorless Garlic 2 & 3/4 Apples, 1/2 Banana, 1/3 Kiwi, 1/3 Mango, Hint of Pineapple, Spirulina 1300mg, Chlorella 400mg, Broccoli 100mg, Spinach 100mg, Blue Green Algae 50mg, Garlic 50mg, Barley Grass 75mg, Wheat Grass 75mg, Ginger 50mg, Parsley 50mg. That held me over until day 5. The morning of day five I found a Jamba Juice that opened at 5am!!!! I got a 2oz wheatgrass shot($3.00) and a 12oz carrot juice($5.50). I then bought a 320z Boathouse Green Goddess which was basically the same as the Naked Juice I had the night before($5.99). The second flaw in this plan you probably already put together...the price! I spent a good $30 on a few low quality juices. It made me feel like I was cheating a bit. No worries, cuz when I got home I went straight to the market and dropped $50 on a 3-day supply of fresh, organic veggies! I just finished preparing The Red Dragon. I posted the ingredients on my FB page for those of you who are interested. Okay, the challenge for tomorrow is I am playing drums at a gig out on an island in the middle of San Francisco Bay where part of the pay is beer and BBQ oysters!!!! UGH! I'll get back to you on this....Thanks again to for allowing me this opportunity to participate in the awesome campaign!

1 comment:

  1. I am amazed that you are pulling this off. I watched "Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead" and found it pretty fascinating. I even started juicing some veggies (mostly carrots), but never went without eating anything at all. Good luck with the drumming today (and you can send your beer and oysters to me if you like). Cheers ...
